How to get back on track when you’ve lost motivation

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We’ve all experienced feeling like we’ve lost our drive, whether it might be to continue working on that project or business we’ve started, a healthier diet we’re trying to stick to or getting into the habit of reading more. Although we don’t usually hear about it, some of the most successful people in the world have also felt like this, but what makes them different is their ability to get back on track quickly.

Here’s how you can do the same:

Take a Break
It might seem counterproductive but the first thing to consider is maybe I need a break. Sometimes you’ve lost that pep in your step simply because you’re burnt out and probably don’t even realize it. So try not to feel guilty and carve some time out for yourself where you can just relax, take a step back from things and clear your head. Once you feel rejuvenated, start setting small goals for yourself to regain your sense of control. It could be as simple as doing a chore around the house or sprucing up your LinkedIn profile.

Be Accountable
You’ve probably heard “it’s not a real thing unless you write it down.” If you’re a goal oriented person, making a list of things you need to get done that day is a great way to start being accountable to yourself – ensuring to check off items as they’re accomplished. Remember to set deadlines for your goals and “soon” is not a time. If time management is something you’re struggling with or isn’t your strong suit, then plan things you’re more inclined to do around the task you’re trying to accomplish. For example, if you’ve been delaying checking out that workshop that you know will help your business, make plans to meet with a friend before or after the workshop, or if possible ask them to join you. You’ll be more obligated and more inclined to want to meet with your friend than to keep a commitment to yourself, and some friendly support is nice as well.

Be Realistic
Many times when you’ve just started something or you’re attempting anything that’s new or challenging, it’s not very sexy. Everything is not in order, you don’t have it all figured out and the mistakes seem endless. One of the reasons you might be feeling a lack of motivation is that you’ve bummed yourself out by setting unrealistic goals. So go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate things, and if possible get second and third opinions from people you respect and admire of what your next steps should be. Or maybe, you just need to get used to the idea of being in an uncomfortable place where you don’t have all the answers. For many people who are ambitious and goal oriented, they struggle with the feeling of things never being good enough because what they never feel close to the big dreams they’ve envisioned. But be patient and don’t be afraid to award yourself not only for obvious accomplishments but for hurdles you’ve overcome as well.

Be Strategic
If you’re lackadaisical about getting back to what you’ve set out to do, then days, months and even years can pass by in a flash without any changes happening in your life. In order to avoid this, you need to be strategic in making change happen. Start setting in place daily routines, habits, triggers and positive associations that will help you shift your thinking and your actions will follow suit. If you’re trying to finally finish writing that script, instead of setting a goal to write a chapter a day how about just a paragraph. Chances are once you’ve actually started doing a task you’re much more likely to finish it, even it seems like a baby step, it’s all about forming the habits. When you have the right habits in place, the next time you feel like you’re veering off the path you’re set out for yourself, you would have already established certain habits which when triggered will get you back on track quicker.

Just do it
You might just think of running shoes when you hear this phrase but it’s message still rings true. Whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish you should just simply go for it and the rest will follow. You might not have the amount of money, resources or contacts that you think you need — think of some of the most successful people you admire they probably didn’t start with much either and that’s what makes their stories so inspirational — you’re no different than they are. So go out there, embrace your mistakes, learn from them and make your own story which can inspire someone else someday.



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